Many business owners, try to manage their own bookkeeping, often to find the task time consuming and unpleasant.
Bookkeeping done well can give numerous benefits to a business including ease of Business Activity Statement lodgment, Payroll simplification with confidence that the numbers are correct. The greater benefit has to be for the Business owner to gain and understanding of their current situation and where the business is heading allowing planning and confident decision making.
AMD can offer this service in house, or we can provide referrals to trusted local bookkeepers to provide hands-on support and training. Getting it right simply and quickly also saves real costs for many clients.
- Accounting software packages
- Training & support
- Year end support
- Payroll
- Inventory Management
- Business & Instalment Activity Statements
We are familiar with MYOB, XERO, Quickbooks and Reckon as well as numerous other industry packages.